ADR-250: Explorer Minimap Standard

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This ADR proposes standardizing how we consume the Minimap data and how the Explorers should render it. The objective is to have a standard way of doing that for each Realm and World, not just for Genesis City.


At the date of publishing this ADR, the Explorers have a Minimap specific to Genesis City. The Expansion of Decentraland created new realms and worlds that were not in Genesis City. More general support requires a common way of displaying the map in the Explorers, including metadata for detailing where the districts are, empty parcels, owned lands, and more.


This proposal maintains compatibility with the current Explorers Minimaps implementation. Also, at the time this is proposed, no known explorer is using the current parameters in the /about endpoint.

So, to show the Minimap's data, the protocol for the /about is modified here, and the MinimapConfiguration is modified, making the old parameters deprecated. The new MinimapConfiguration is:

message MinimapConfiguration {
  bool enabled = 1;

  // deprecated parameters
  reserved 2;
  reserved 3;
  repeated decentraland.common.BorderRect sizes = 4; 
  message ImageViewWithZoomLevel {
    string version = 1; 
    optional string base_url = 2;
    optional string suffix_url = 3;
  message ParcelView {
    string version = 1; 
    optional string image_url = 2;

  optional ImageViewWithZoomLevel satellite_view = 5;
  optional ParcelView parcel_view = 6;
  optional ImageViewWithZoomLevel thumbnail_view = 7;

Example for genesis city:

  "sizes": [
    { "left": -150, "top": -150, "right": 150, "bottom": 150 },
    { "left": 62, "top": 151, "right": 162, "bottom": 158 },
    { "left": 151, "top": 59, "right": 163, "bottom": 150 }
  "satelliteView": {
    "version": "v1",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "suffixUrl": ".jpg"
  "parcelView": {
    "version": "v1",
    "imageUrl": ""


With these parameters we can compute an important square, which is the contained one, and the following vertices determine it:

Image view with zoom-level (version v1)

This option is inspired by the current implementation, which the reference client takes from the grant. It takes satellite pictures of the World with Orthographic projection and multiple resolutions.

| Note: The specifics of the implementation for image generation are beyond the scope of this proposal and depend on the tools that will be developed. This is ultimately up to the developers. However, the following will outline how the Explorers should utilize the generated data.

The endpoint base URL specified in the Realm follows the next schema:

const { baseUrl, suffixUrl } = realmAbout.minimaps.satelliteView
const imageUrl = `${baseUrl}/${zoom}/${x},${y}${suffixUrl}`

Where the zoom is 1 to N (from far to near), and the {x},{y} is the quadrant you want to get. Both baseUrl and suffixUrl are to give flexibility when hosting this service.

For zoom=1, the pixel-per-parcel ratio MUST be 3.2. This means every 32x32 pixels represents 10x10 parcel size (or 160x160 m² area).

Zoom Ratio (pixels per parcel width) 10x10 parcels in pixels
1 3.2 32x32
2 6.4 64x64
3 12.8 128x128
4 25.6 256x256
5 102.4 1024x1024
6 204.8 2048x2048

It allows the Explorers at least to render a basic shape to Explore every Realm.

Parcel view

This option is based on the also implemented in the reference client with colored parcels. Due to the little information needed for each parcel, an RGB pixel is an oversized amount of data. However, a simple and extensible solution is that each pixel represents each parcel.

Image specification:

Bit Position Bitmask Value Condition
3 (0b1000) 8 top
4 (0b10000) 16 left
Bit Position Bitmask Value Condition
5 (0b100000) 32 district
6 (0b1000000) 64 road
7 (0b10000000) 128 owned

The next one is an example of a Godot shader to render this image:

shader_type canvas_item;

varying vec2 world_position;
uniform mat4 global_transform;
uniform sampler2D map_data;

uniform float size = 16.0;
uniform float line_width_px = 1.0;

uniform vec2 selected_tile = vec2(20.0, 20.0);

const vec3[] colors = {
 vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // without 
 vec3(0.314,0.329,0.831), // district
 vec3(0.439,0.675,0.463), // plaza
 vec3(0.443,0.424,0.478), // road
 vec3(0.239,0.227,0.275), // onwed
 vec3(0.035,0.031,0.039), // unowned
 vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
 vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

void vertex() {
 world_position = VERTEX;

void fragment() {
 float line_width = line_width_px / size;
 vec2 frag_position = floor(world_position);
 float fx = frag_position.x / size, fy = (frag_position.y / size) + 1.0;
 float cx = floor(fx), cy = floor(fy);
 vec4 pixel_data = texelFetch(map_data, ivec2(int(cx), int(cy)), 0);
 int flagsR = int(pixel_data.r * 255.0);
 int flagsG = int(pixel_data.g * 255.0);

 bool topMask = (flagsR & 0x8) > 0;
 bool leftMask = (flagsR & 0x10) > 0;
 vec3 parcel_color;
 if (flagsG == 32) {
 parcel_color = colors[1];
 } else if (flagsG == 64) {
 parcel_color = colors[3];
 } else if (flagsG == 128) {
 parcel_color = colors[4];
 } else {
 parcel_color = colors[2];

 vec4 resolved_color = vec4(parcel_color, COLOR.a);

 bool borderLeft = false;
 bool borderTop = false;

 if (topMask == false && leftMask == false) {
 borderLeft = true;
 borderTop = true;
 } else if (topMask && leftMask) {
 borderLeft = false;
 borderTop = false;
 } else {
 if (topMask == false) {
 borderTop = true;
 if (leftMask == false) {
 borderLeft = true;

 if (borderLeft && (fx - cx < line_width)) {
 resolved_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, COLOR.a);

 if (borderTop && (fy - cy < line_width)) {
 resolved_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, COLOR.a);
 if (selected_tile.x == cx && selected_tile.y == cy) {
 resolved_color += vec4(0.7, 0.1, 0.1, COLOR.a);
 COLOR = resolved_color;


This is an optional feature that Realm can use to specify the explorer how to render the Minimap or not. The example for the Genesis-City is straightforward and ready to be implemented in the /about request.

RFC 2119 and RFC 8174

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", " SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.


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