This ADR describes the outline of the "scene runtime" for Decentraland, it includes a minimum set of required environment functions to run a scene, including the formalization of the RPC protocol to load other parts i.e. the Rendering engine (Renderer from now on).
Decentraland Explorers (defined in ADR-102 are often compared with operative systems that run programs. A scene is a deployable JavaScript program that controls a set of entities in-world, the user-interface, and also may add functionality to the Explorer. Those programs run in a sandboxed environment exposing a set of functions to enable the scene to communicate with other components like the Rendering engine.
The deployed scenes MUST comply with the Scene schema defined in
ADR-51. And the format used to represent the deployment is the one
used in the content servers as defined in ADR-80. Entities can be
loaded as scenes if their metadata matches the scene.json
schema. For the sake of
simplicity in this specification, we are assuming a minimum scene.json
in the
shape of {"main": "bin/scene.js"}
to illustrate how to load
and run the code.
and run it. The mechanism to resolve files based on deployed
entities is explained in detail in ADR-79.
[*] --> CreateSceneContext
state Renderer {
CreateSceneContext --> LoadInitialScenes("main.crdt")
LoadInitialScenes("main.crdt") --> CreateRuntime(Entity)
LoadInitialScenes("main.crdt") --> crdtGetState
CreateRuntime(Entity) --> FetchCode(Entity)
crdtGetState --> .OnStart()
state RuntimeSandbox {
FetchCode(Entity) --> Eval(code)
RequireModules --> Eval(code)
Eval(code) --> .OnStart()
.OnStart() --> .OnUpdate(dt)
state MainLoop {
.OnUpdate(dt) --> crdtSendToRenderer
crdtSendToRenderer --> .OnUpdate(dt)
MainLoop --> [*]
The runtime for the SDK7 is compatible with
CommonJS's require
to load
RPC modules. This is so to enable a wide variety of bundlers to create compatible Decentraland
The exposed RPC modules are defined in the protocol repository.
TODO: define and document naming conventions about code generation for modules
// `require` instantiates a proxy to a RPC module. Every exposed function
// of the module returns a promise.
// require must fail immediately if the moduleName is invalid or unknown,
// and it must return a Module or Proxy synchronously
function require(moduleName: string): Module
// Commonjs-compatible modules
const exports: Object
const module: {
readonly exports: typeof exports
function setImmediate(fn: Function): void
Fetch API
WebSocket API
on production mode.
/// --- Fetch ---
type RequestRedirect = "follow" | "error" | "manual"
type ResponseType = "basic" | "cors" | "default" | "error" | "opaque" | "opaqueredirect"
interface RequestInit {
// Only string supported
body?: string
headers?: { [index: string]: string }
method?: string
redirect?: RequestRedirect
// Decentraland Property
timeout?: number
interface ReadOnlyHeaders {
get(name: string): string | null
has(name: string): boolean
callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: ReadOnlyHeaders) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void
interface Response {
readonly headers: ReadOnlyHeaders
readonly ok: boolean
readonly redirected: boolean
readonly status: number
readonly statusText: string
readonly type: ResponseType
readonly url: string
json(): Promise<any>
text(): Promise<string>
declare function fetch(url: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
/// --- WebSocket ---
interface Event {
readonly type: string
interface MessageEvent extends Event {
* Returns the data of the message.
readonly data: any
interface CloseEvent extends Event {
readonly code: number
readonly reason: string
readonly wasClean: boolean
interface WebSocket {
readonly bufferedAmount: number
readonly extensions: string
onclose: ((this: WebSocket, ev: CloseEvent) => any) | null
onerror: ((this: WebSocket, ev: Event) => any) | null
onmessage: ((this: WebSocket, ev: MessageEvent) => any) | null
onopen: ((this: WebSocket, ev: Event) => any) | null
readonly protocol: string
readonly readyState: number
readonly url: string
close(code?: number, reason?: string): void
send(data: string): void
readonly CLOSED: number
readonly CLOSING: number
readonly CONNECTING: number
readonly OPEN: number
declare var WebSocket: {
prototype: WebSocket
new (url: string, protocols?: string | string[]): WebSocket
readonly CLOSED: number
readonly CLOSING: number
readonly CONNECTING: number
readonly OPEN: number
It is recommended that scene creators via tooling create a CRDT dump of the initial state of the scene. This is so to enable many optimizations like:
The runtime will load the initial state of the scene from the main.crdt
file (if
present). This file is a CRDT dump of the scene's initial state or generated by tooling. The
runtime will load the file and apply the CRDT messages to the scene's state. This state will
be sent to the scene using the initial EngineApi.crdtGetState
RPC call, and if
the main.crdt
file was loaded, the field
will be set to true.
The EngineApi.crdtGetState
must also return all the initial state of static
entities like RootEntity and PlayerEntity. Details about static entities are described in
The main.crdt
file may contain scene-owned components, defined in code. The
renderer MAY ignore these components but the runtime MUST NOT. The runtime MUST send the
components to the scene, because these are strictly necessary to ensure the well functioning
of the scene.
The scenes synchronize with the renderer via the EngineApi.crdtSendToRenderer
using the CRDT protocol defined in ADR-117. The renderer will keep
a local copy of all the entities and components required for rendering. Those components are
in their majority serialized using protobuf as defined in ADR-123.
The EngineApi.crdtSendToRenderer
response includes a list of CRDT messages to be
applied in the local scene, that is used to send information back from the renderer like the
position of the player.
participant S as Scene
participant K as Runtime
participant R as Renderer
note over R: Create SceneContext and load initial entities
critical load scene
R->>R: Create SceneContext
R->>R: Load "main.crdt" initial state
note over K: Create a RuntimeSandbox for the scene to run
R-->>K: Create scene VM(ID=1,SceneId,Mappings,...)
K-->>S: Load the code of the scene and execute it (eval)
note over S: Initialize scene and load state from renderer
S->>K: require("~system/EngineApi")
activate K
K-->>S: EngineApi
deactivate K
note over S: onStart()
R->>S: EngineApi.crdtGetState() (initial entities travel to the scene)
opt if `.hasEntities==false`
S->>S: Load "main.crdt" initial state
note over S: loop { onUpdate() }
loop function onUpdate(deltaTime: number)
S-->>S: engine.update(deltaTime)
S->>R: EngineApi.crdtSendToRenderer(stateChanges)
activate R
R-->>R: Apply patches to the engine owned entities
R-->>R: Execute queries
R-->>S: CRDT changes (if any)
deactivate R
S-->>S: Apply patches to the scene owned entities
The scene can hook up to certain events by adding functions to the
variable. The functions that can be registered are:
onStart(): Promise<void> | void
is the first function to be called in a
scene. It is recommended that all side-effects related to the initialization of a scene are
performed inside the onStart
onUpdate(deltaTime: number): Promise<void> | void
is called every frame.
It is in charge of the scene itself to run the frame and send/receive changes to the
// The following example only illustrates an hypothetic scenario,
// since it is a low-level API and it shouldn't be used this way
let rotation = 0
export async function onUpdate(deltaTimeSeconds: number) {
const speed = 0.001
rotation += deltaTimeSeconds * speed
await sendUpdatesToRenderer()
💡 Since the runtime is compatible with CommonJS, the event handler functions can be exported as
export function ...
and skip themodule.exports = ...
for convenience.
const engineApi = require("~system/EngineApi")
// this is a lamport timestamp, required by the CRDT rules
let timestamp = 0
const position = Vector3.Zero()
const scale = Vector3.One()
const rotation = Quaternion.Identity()
// entities are now numbers
const entityId = 1234
// component numbers, defined in .proto files
const transformId = 1
const rendererMeshId = 2
const transform = Transform.serialize({ position, rotation, scale })
const mesh = RendererMesh.serialize({ box: {} })
// now we are sending the component messages from the LWW-ElementSet
// this sets the transform & meshRenderer for the entity
const messagesBackFromRenderer = await engineApi.crdtSendToRenderer([
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, transformId, transform, timestamp++),
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, rendererMeshId, mesh, timestamp++)
module.exports.onUpdate = function (deltaTime: number) {
const transformId = 1
position.x += deltaTime
const transform = Transform.serialize({ position, rotation, scale })
// now we are sending the component messages from the LWW-ElementSet
// this sets the transform & meshRenderer for the entity
const messagesBackFromRenderer = await engineApi.crdtSendToRenderer([
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, transformId, transform, timestamp++)